Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 14: Two weeks down!

Woooo! Made it to day 14! Though there have been more successful days than others, I found myself really experiencing a mentality change towards food/cooking when making breakfast this morning.

Pickings were a bit slim since I hadn't been to the store in a week and was busy most of Friday and gone all day Saturday. I was out of my go-to breakfast choices, and instead of doing what I did pre-whole30 - snack on granola until the water for my oatmeal was done - I looked at my fridge, pulled a couple of things that sounded good out, and began to google.

I have come to adore avocados and sweet potatoes. They are such an excellent add to any meal and you can do so much with them! So I started googling things with these two ingredients, but was let down by the lack of results and gurgling stomach, so I decided to start creating something of my own.

I had some pre-chopped sweet potato bites I stuck in the oven thinking they would act as my breakfast-potato wedges, then began to dice and sautee some mushrooms and onions. I then began to wonder how an avocado would taste heated it up, so I sliced half of it and placed in on the skillet after my onions had browned and mushrooms began to cook. I threw some chicken on there for protein and, voilĂ ! Avocado sweet potato scramble was born!

Recipe for Avocado Sweet Potato scramble:


  • 1/2 diced sweet potato
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/4 cup mushroom
  • 1/2 chicken breast (already cooked)
  • olive oil/coconut oil
  • salt/pepper/garlic salt (if you want other spices - try it!)

  1. Place sweet potato pieces on baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil and coat with a little salt/pepper, make sure you move around sweet potato pieces on pan so they are evenly coated
  2. Place sweet potatoes in oven until done (trying not to rely on timers, but should be soft enough to pierce easily with a fork, but not mushy - cooks between 30-40 min)
  3. SautĂ© about 1/4 cup of chopped red onion and 1/4 cup of chopped mushroom until browned (you could add as much/little as you want, or throw in some tomatoes, peppers, spices! I think next time I'll experiment a bit more)
  4. Once veggies are browned and potatoes have been cooking a while, cut up 1/2 avocado and sprinkle with garlic salt (or regular salt) and pepper
  5. Place 1/2 of sliced avocado on heated pan (on low) for about one minute, then flip so both sides have a golden brown color
  6. Arrange all ingredients onto a plate and add as much chicken as you'd like! I think ground turkey would have been more breakfast-like.
I still had not been to the store lunch looked a lot like breakfast, just in a slightly more solidified form, still just as good!

  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1/2 sweet potato - fries!
  • applesauce
I finally got my butt to HyVee to get my groceries in the evening, it ended up being a successful, relatively cheap trip!

Grocery List week 3: Hyvee

4 bananas
3 apples
3 peaches
1 cantaloup
3 sweet potatoes
1 bag of broccoli florets
1 bag of pre-cut coleslaw
1 bag of spinach
1 cucumber
2 bags of carrots
2 limes
1 bottle of lemon juice
1 dozen eggs
2 cans of tuna
1lb ground turkey
Toilet Paper (I had gone far too long without buying this. Whoops.)
  • carrots
  • 5 strawberries
  • mixture of 1 can of tuna, spinach, diced onion and tomato, and about 1/4 cup of Tahini sauce! 
If you remember, I bought the Tahini sauce for this recipe, but alas, I do not have a working food processor, as Ben and I found out making homemade mayo on day three. So I googled recipes that use Tahini sauce and found this gem.

Super easy and delicious!
Thanks Google, you really are a peach.
Which I am also addicted to.

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