Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 27, 28, & 29: Taking whole30 from Nebraska to Minnesota

Day 27 - Saturday

  • 3 scrambled eggs w/onion and tomato
  • banana
  • coffee

I headed for my Minnesota home early Saturday morning and made it back around 4:30. My meal was less of a meal and more of a snack-fest (not quite apart of the whole30 vocab?)

I ate a heck of a lot of almonds, 2 apples, a banana, and cucumber slices. YUM.

  • a lot of cashews
  • veggie medley mix
  • turkey burger
  • some cantaloupe
Boy have I missed being back. Love it here. Noah and I ended up painting on the driveway, tapping into our his artsy side! I plan on writing "ful" where those blocks of colors go. I found an old magnetic board in my closet and decided to paint that (I have not reached the 'canvas' level of painting quite yet..)

Day 28 - Sunday 
  • 2 scrambled eggs w/spinach/tomato/onion
  • strawberry/blueberry/raspberry combo
Well, this was it, folks. I have been practicing my guacamole skills for this very event: my 21st birthday party with my fam! Mom and I spent a solid 5-6 hours in the kitchen making guac, pico de gallo, 4 pounds of ground beef, and 2 pounds of ground turkey. PLUS, for those not on whole30, there were 2 pound cakes and corn muffins - such a feast!!

I ate so much it made me sick.

A short list of things my stomach consumed:
  • guacamole (A LOT)
  • ground beef and turkey (I'm thinking this is what did it)
  • lots o' lettuce
  • pico de gallo (delic, if I do say so myself!)
  • strawberries/rasberries/blueberries/cantaloupe
I skimped on lunch since I was too busy testing and re-testing all of the food for the afternoon, so my stomach was consuming little bits, and then a whole plate (and then seconds) of taco salad and a side of too much fruit.

I paid for it the next day.

However, it was a lovely day cutting onions, tomatoes, avocados, and melon alongside mom all morning long. Feels right to be home.

Day 29 - Monday
Woke up and could NOT believe it was day 29!! I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read these foodie-ramblings of mine that are mostly a chronicle of how nauseous I feel after mexican food and blurry pictures of sliced bananas in a bowl.

I appreciate the love!

I cannot take eggs much longer, and I don't have to! HA!
  • 2 fried eggs
  • 1/2 leftover turkey burger & 1/4 leftover hamburger
  • cashews (much more than pictured. Cashews and I went hog wild)
  • tomatoes

I mentioned on day 28 that I paid for my 21st mexican fiesta (w/out any alcohol - I should probably mention the ill-day-29-morning-after was a hamburger hangover, not a tequila hangover) So I could hardly keep much settled in my stomach after breakfast (which I regretted eating pretty soon after I snapped this photo) and proceeded to eat strangely the rest of the day.

I tried eating more cashews (it was the only thing that sounded good) and sunflower seeds...something substantial but not heavy.

Le sigh.

This is why saltines and chicken soup are a thing.

I tried eggs much later in the evening...I nibbled on some cantaloupe....I made brussel sprouts...I attempted to scrounge together some leftovers and stick tuna in it (it was disgusting...never assume tuna can function as a substantial protein source when it is not in eggs or doused in mayonnaise) It was a disaster of irritable bowel proportions

So, day 29 was kind of a bust. I think my body is anticipating the change, and it is aware that I can start eating real food again, I know my mind is ready!!

I haven't decided what I will begin to reintroduce on day 31, but I think I'll google baguettes in the meantime.


Come to me, most delicious and dangerous of all carby-goodness. NOW.

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