Well, people, looks like this is the end.
I would be all sentimental and sad if my stomach wasn't so gurgly in anticipation for the arrival of the long-awaited bread fairy and her sidekick hummus-boy (trademark pending).
- scrambled eggs (SO SICK OF EGGS) w/spinach, onion, tomatoes
- lots of strawberries
I made a TON of chicken (ridin' solo! Feel free to dance to this - I certainly didn't did) intending to keep it for the rest of the week, but I made mom and I a large spinach salad with a side of almost an entire cantaloupe (I consumed the majority - who's shocked here?)
We ate lunch around three (whoops...) because I went on a run and didn't start cooking until around 1 and it took longer than I anticipated, so I ate dinner AFTER we went out to see the Guthrie Theatre production of Pride & Prejudice! Such an enjoyable show! Even though I knew each and every plot point start to finish (obviously - what young woman doesn't have this story memorized??) experiencing it live evoked a fresh perspective on the Mrs. Bennett's silly humor, Lizzie's witty sarcasm, and Collins' sheer awkwardness. It was a delightful evening spent with Maggie, Mia , and my mom. I love these women so much!
You guessed it.
Chicken, some more cantaloupe, some almonds, carrots (even though my skin has been yellowing from too much carrotine - yes, yes this is not a joke. I am laughing, though.)
Pretty weaksauce for my last meal, but oh schwell. It's been a beautiful, sweet-potato-y ride! I'll compile a post-whole30 check-in and post it soon!
For now, so long, dearie!
(WARNING: If you are morally opposed to Barbra Streisand - first, reconsider, and second, I would advise your not clicking on the link above!)
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