Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 12: things are rough when you run out of chicken

I need to get more creative with my protein! Or I just need to make more chicken, either way, it makes meal planning more difficult when Friday comes along and the chicken glad container is empty. Must keep ontop of that if I want to survive. However, breakfast was lovely.


  • 1 peach
  • cantaloupe
  • 2 scrambled eggs w/ diced tomato, mushroom, onion, and brussel sprout leaves
  • coconut chips with almonds and pistachios
Since I was not about to become a casualty in the great protein shortage of summer 2013, I decided to thaw a piece of salmon I found looking rather sly in my freezer. I have never made salmon, and after today, I still would not consider what I did making salmon, okay a bit of an exaggeration, but my first go at seafood was not as successful as I may have hoped.

Obviously, step one: read packaging

Step two: call Ben

I was instructed to put said salmon in a ziplock, pour the rub that I normally do for raw chicken (olive oil, salt, pepper, mild chili powder, basil leaves, and garlic powder) in the plastic bag and shake it around. I was terrified of under-cooking it, so I let it cook longer than it should. However, it did not burn, nor did it taste charred, but my baking sheet took a bit of a beating from the crusted bits of fish that refused to come off, despite my incessant spatula grinding and yelling.

Oh well, it all turned out fine since I put the salmon bits into a salad of
  • spinach
  • tomato
  • mushroom
  • onion
  • carrot
  • (again, no dressing, but still didn't miss it!)
  • I also had sweet potato fries (half of a sweet potato) and they were my best yet!
  • 1 small apple (these guys are teeny, no matter how cheap, I like the big ones better)
  • applesauce (holy apples, Batman!)
  • a couple of cantaloupe (wasn't much left)
  • handful of pistachios
  • some sugar snap peas
  • chicken
Ben taught me how to skillfully remove the chicken from the bone tonight. Another skill I get to add to my repetoir! Also, I ate so quickly that I did not even stop for a picture. I worked late tonight and didn't eat my chicken/peas until about 8:30, so I was starving.

Hoping this is not a habit, just the result of my lack of chicken!

Excited to go to Kansas City with Ben tomorrow and taste their barbecue! Mmmm...barbecue...

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