Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 00: Challenge Accepted

I did not write up a post for yesterday, so I will proceed to do that now, because it was one of the most vital days!

I began with gutting out (a term Ben dislikes me to use in any context other than fish, but hey, it makes sense to me!) my cupboards and fridge of all grain, dairy, sugar, legumes. I came out with the fourth picture.

Nothing like a can of green beans and apricots to get you goin'! Since I cannot survive on one apple and "produce" à la can, Ben and I set out for the grocery store!  
I picked several simple things off of the Whole30 Shopping list, and went from there. My final list looked like this:

Coconut Flakes (never tried them, but I'm intrigued)
2 avocados
2 whole tomatoes
2 packages of mushrooms
1 jar of unsweetened applesauce
1 package of strawberries
4 bananas
1 cantalope
1 bag of dole spinach
1 bunch of asparagus
1 bag of whole carrots (which I chopped into babies later)
1 bag of celery (same deal as the carrots)
1 dozen eggs
1 package of ground turkey 
**(I should also mention that Ben has endless free chicken 
from his uncle, so I never have to pay for chicken! Score!)

I would say I'm a pretty healthy eater to begin with. I'm already lactose intolerant with a weak-sauce stomach (though it is a rare day when I can turn down a new, international cuisine no matter the morning-after repercussions), so buying things like a lot of produce and ground turkey is not abnormal for me. I am not the person addicted to pop, sugary sweets, and eats fast food a lot. I DO, however, consume a lot of snacks. I will eat handfuls of cereal/nuts/granola and just munch on whatever is around and then give myself a flimsy meal with not a whole lot of nutrition. Plus, I adore carbs. I never consider telling a warm piece of bread to take it's soft middle and flaky outside somewhere else (my stomach just growled at that. Super.), and I always have popcorn on hand. I'm excited (and slightly terrified) to watch as my body adjusts, tells me what I've been feeding it too much of over the last 20 years, and gives me a better understanding of my relationship to food.

[I still have leftover oranges from Noahs grad party! YESSSS.]

PS Ben made me a final carbo meal of spaghetti and meatballs (plus I had all of the ingredients we needed in those bags, which I am storing at his house for his use/so I'm not tempted having them around).

Goodbye sweet, sweet noodles. I will miss you dearly.

Y'all ready for this?

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